
Document Workflow Solutions

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InSite Solution Support and Maintenance

InSite offers comprehensive support and maintenance services to our clients, thereby ensuring installed solutions perform with optimum efficiency and availability. Our support team is backed by highly trained professionals, often times by the same people who worked on the original client project team.

We stand behind the solutions we implement and are ready to assist with any and all problems, including user inquiries, system issues, or questions regarding the individual software and hardware components that comprise an InSite solution. All problems are entered into an online issue tracking system that is available to our clients for tracking progress and resolution.

InSite support and maintenance services are available on an annual subscription basis and generally include the following:

  • A designated technical support contact
  • Unlimited technical support, diagnostics and problem resolution
  • Access via email and direct telephone number
  • Optional annual system review and pre-paid consulting
  • Optional emergency response and onsite assistance

InSite is also highly experienced in the use and operation of OpenText's Process360 (formerly ViewStar) document imaging and workflow systems. This allows us to offer support and maintenance services to existing Global 360/ViewStar customers with greater flexibility and at much lower cost.

We use TeamViewer® to provide client-side support for our customers. Click the button below to download the TermViewer client.

Customer Support Portal Download TeamViewer

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